My Weight Loss Ticker!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sacfit Saturday!

I had an easy 5 miler today and I took the opportunity to do it all by myself. I talked to my head coach and asked her if she had coverage for the groups then I would love to just run by myself and recharge my batteries. It was lovely! Just me, the trail and my music! I have spent the rest of the day doing NOTHING - well I can't say nothing - I did catch up on TV that was DVR'ed but other than that, really nothing! I think it was just the sort of day I needed to recharge my batteries! I think my busy schedule was just catching up with me and I was feeling really worn out. I feel much better tonight!

Oh and I have only 2 runs before I run my marathon! My taper schedule has me running 30 minutes on Monday and 20 minutes on Wednesday! I can hardly believe at this time next week I will have completed a marathon!!

On the food front - because I feel like being completely honest here - I didn't weigh in this morning - I stepped on the Wiifit on Thursday and I'm up over 2 pounds, but with the marathon coming up, I can not be limiting calories. I'm not going to go overboard either, but I don't want my focus this week to be the number I see at my weigh in. I might or might not go to my meeting tomorrow - I'm really hoping for once in a very long time, to turn off my alarm and sleep in. I don't know if my internal clock will do that since I pretty much get up between 5:30 and 6 EVERY day, but I'm willing to try! Wish me luck! I need to be well rested!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a lazy day too, well, except for the 5k! You deserved a break! Good luck next week with the marathon!