My Weight Loss Ticker!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Continuing to make progress!

It's amazing what sticking to goals regularly can do! (Oh and working out 6 days last week doesn't hurt either!)

I did great on The Hubsters birthday - tracked everything and even though we unexpectedly ended eating out two meals instead of just one, I had done so well with the choices I made at lunch time that I felt I could splurge a little at dinner and I tracked and it was within my points (Of course I used flex points as well..) and I didn't go into the negative. We also made it a very active day by parking the car downtown and walking all over the place (6 miles total for the day!)

Saturday was Sacfit and I went with the Rowdy Reds again (they do 3 running and 1 walking interval) - I really miss running so much. I do appreciate a nice brisk walk, but sometimes, you just need a good therapeutic run to kick some things to the curb! that is just what I needed on Saturday.

I stepped on the scale this morning and I went from 169.1 to 166.9! Down 2.2 pounds for the week and only 2.4 pounds from being able to weigh in within 2 pounds of my goal weight! I'm so close now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

So as the saying goes if it isn't broke don't fix it - so my 3 goals will remain the same.

Workout 4 days this week.
No eating out or splurging unless I have the points available.
100% tracking

I achieved all three last week and actually exceeded my workout goal and did 6 days!


Jessica said...

Great job! I am thinking of asking Jeff if I can do a few weekends with the reds before Parkway so I can work on being a little faster over longer distances.

thewwchick said...

I'm so proud of you and HAPPY for you!